Genre Analysis: Analysing more than one media text of the same genre and comparing their similarities and differences

Content Analysis:  A type of research for studying media texts e.g. audio and video

Narrative Analysis: Study of how the narrative/story is told in a media text

Fan Studies: Research on fans and fan cultures of media texts

Reception Studies: Research on how an audience perceives and interprets a media text

The Shining
The genre of this movie is horror, and this can be seen through the use of iconographies seen in most horror movies such as a killer, blood and weapons. The narrative is chronological which is shown through the use of frames which show the time each part of the movie is taking place, and they usually go from one day of the week to the next. This helps to keep some order to the plot and events in the movie which in detail can be confusing at times, as some things are unexplainable unless you watch theories or have read the book.


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